Neuse Country Club Pool Rules
Updated Guest Policy, effective June 2023: The use of the NCC pool is exclusively for pool members and their guests. Non-members may only enter the pool area with a member who remains with them throughout their stay. The guest fee is $5/day, payable by cash or Member account at the gate.
New this year, the Neuse Country Club Pool is limiting local, non-member visits to two times per season. This new maximum is in response to repeated and excessive resident non-member use of the pool and its amenities last year. The Club is happy to make exceptions, including (but not limited to) out of town family visiting. Please email to make arrangements.
The Neuse Country Club appreciates your understanding of the new policy aimed at providing the best possible experience for our Members.
- Only members and their guests may use the pool. All individuals entering the pool area must check-in
- The Neuse Country Club Pool will not be held responsible for any accidents or injuries that may occur anywhere on the NCC property; members and guests use the facility at their own risk
- No Running, screaming, or frisbee throwing across the pool are allowed
- Profanity, boisterous behavior, and loud music is prohibited
- No coolers are allowed after 5:00 pm; no alcoholic beverages may be brought in from the outside at any time
- Food and Beverages are prohibited within 12 feet of the main pool or 6 feet of the kids pool
- Firearms, weapons, fireworks, combustible liquid, illegal drugs, or other dangerous items are not allowed on the pool premises at any time
- All individuals in the pool area must adhere to lifeguard and management instructions; those not complying will be asked to leave
- No glass of any kind is permitted in the pool area
- Public intoxication is not allowed, and anyone deemed intoxicated by the pool manager or attendant will be asked to leave
- No smoking or vaping is permitted in the pool area
- Grills or other flammable products may not be used inside the pool area; grills are available next to the pavilion
- Swimmers are not allowed to spit or spout water back in the pool
- The pool area may only be entered when an NCC staff member is on duty
- Members and their guests must clean tables, chairs, and surrounding areas after use; refuse containers are provided for cleanup
- Chairs or chaise lounges remaining unoccupied for 20 minutes or longer may be claimed by another individual
- No pets are allowed in the pool area
- In the case of thunder and lightning, the pool manager will clear the pool, and swimmers will be allowed to return to the water when authorized by the manager
- Swimmers may not sit on or jump off another swimmer’s shoulders or hang or hold on to ropes
- No bicycles, skates, skateboards, water guns, and wagons are permitted in the pool complex
Individuals must be appropriately dressed when entering the golf course, clubhouse, and grill – no swimwear, cover-ups, cut-off jeans, etc.
- Appropriate swim attire is required in the pool; no thong bathing suits, cut-off jeans, or gym clothes are allowed
- If children are not toilet trained, they must wear swim diapers and plastic diaper covers
- Children under the age of 14 are only allowed to enter the pool complex when accompanied by an adult. The accompanying adult must remain within the pool area with the child(ren) and are responsible for their behavior and safety
- Members may register a babysitter (16 or over) or caregiver with the pool manager as their designated adult. Members can purchase a season pass for their registered adults that is only valid when the caregiver is at the pool with the child(ren) for whom they were issued the pass. The registered adult must remain with the child(ren) at all times
- Children who are non-swimmers or under 14 must always be under the direct supervision of a parent, guardian, or designated babysitter. The pool staff is not responsible for supervising them
- The shallow area (2-3.5ft.) is reserved exclusively for non-swimmers and their attending adult
- Any flotation devices, such as swimming aids, for non-swimmers must be Coast Guard approved. Inflatable water wings are not permitted
- Floats, nerf and beach balls, and other pool play items are not allowed unless specifically approved by the pool manager or pool attendant on that specific day
- In the main pool, non-swimmers are not allowed past the first rope unless with a parent or caregiver
- On Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm, the chaise lounges are reserved for individuals over 12 years of age

- Only one person is allowed on the diving board at a time
- Diving off the side of the diving board is STRICTLY PROHIBITED
- Only one bounce is permitted
- A diver must wait until the previous diver has swum to the side of the pool before diving in
- No backflips or gainers
- No double bouncing on the board
- Children must be able to swim to the side of the pool unassisted to use the diving board
- No floats in the diving well
- The diving board must remain closed if ** Sharks and Minnows” is being played
- Swimmers must not pull on, push off of, or touch the filtration grate at the bottom of the deep end
- Diving is not allowed into the shallow areas of the pool